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Friday, April 30, 2010


People need to shut up when they say you copied me when you happened have that same idea/thought. Recently one of my friends said quot&quot I'm mad at you because you stole the green and black! Anyway I got pissed when she said because those are my favorite colors not just hers and that thousands even millions of people like those color combinations. I was ready to slap her face but she was talking to me on the phone and the smart one can't even remember her gmail username or password! How stupid can you be? Also I made the gmail account for her and she told me that her password is something she puts on most of things need a password. Then she asked me quot&quot what was the recovery e-mail? Like really!?! Why the freak should I remember you account and stuff. Are you mentally retarded or do you have memory loss?! sometimes I really think she has both of them. She says rudest things all the time and people say I should get pissed at her for giving me her attitude. So many people don't like because of the attitude. She acts black when she's not and I'm fed up with her! what should I do with her? Please leave comments to help.

I'll post when I have time

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Well hey there's your life? Mine's fine. Thx for asking.(:  today I woke up at 10:10AM brushed my teeth, washed my face, and brushed my hair. I went downstairs and drank chocolate along with reading Kaichou wa Maid-Sama (a manga). At around 12:00 i got ready to go bowling with friends. However it didn't turn out the way I expected it to. My cousins and I went to McDonalds to eat. Afterwards we went to Ross

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Sucks :|

Well today started like any other minimum day at school. BORING! I hate the school drama. Everyone is in their own little groups being judgmental and stuff I guess. My and my friends were in our little world full of laughter, happiness, and our long continuing friendship. Everyday is starting to feel the same and it's driving me crazy! I am now less and less looking forward to the next day knowing it's going to be similar like other days. I'm moving to a new house and school! I'll be leaving all my friends whom I will probably only have contact with through e-mail or phone calls maybe even visits. I just want seventh grade to last forever ( even though I hate it ) but without all the drama and people whom I dislike/hate.

 My feelings for today. See ya tomorrow! :|

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sixteen Moons from the book Beautiful Creatures

Sixteen Moons, Sixteen Years
Sixteen of your deepest fears
Sixteen times you dreamed my tears
Falling, falling through the years...

Sixteen Moons, Sixteen Years,
Sounds of thunder in your ears
Sixteen miles before she nears
Sixteen seeks what Sixteen fears...

Sixteen Moons, Sixteen Years,
Sixteen times you dreamed my fears,
Sixteen will try to bind the spheres,
Sixteen screams but just one hears...

Sixteen Moons, Sixteen Years,
The Claiming Moon, the hour nears,
In these pages Darkness clears,
Powers bind what fire sears...

Sixteenth Moon, Sixteenth Year,
Now has come the day you fear, 
Claim or be Claimed
Shed blood, Shed tear,
Moon or Sun     destroy, revere.